Innovative Medtech Marketing : Europe vs. United States

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Europe vs. United States, two distinct strategies

Innovation is crucial to a company’s competitiveness, but ecosystems differ between Europe and the USA, requiring marketing strategies adapted to each region.

MD101 supports you with a structured marketing plan for medtech innovations, taking into account the differences between these two markets.


  1. Fragmented regulatory environment, opportunities by national market.
  2. Longer reimbursement paths, with adapted strategies.
  3. Greater sensitivity to ethical and sustainability issues.


  1. Unified but highly competitive market (FDA).
  2. Structured reimbursement process, rapid market access.
  3. Emphasis on rapid adoption and disruptive innovations.


MD101 helps you :

  • Assess the needs of each market according to local specificities.
  • Design appropriate communication and positioning strategies.
  • Optimize time-to-market with a data-driven approach.
  • Deploy targeted marketing actions to maximize technology adoption.


Why choose MD101?

We combine medtech expertise with experience of the European and American markets to maximize the impact of your innovations on both continents.

MD101, co-founder of the .emt Alliance

United to support companies in HealthCare

MD101, co-founder of the .emt Alliance

MD101, founding member of The MedTechAlliance, USA

Catalyzing global growth and innovation

MD101, founding member of The MedTechAlliance, USA